Oakland University - Nonprofit Management Certificate Program

Oakland University - Nonprofit Management Certificate Program

About Us

The Nonprofit Management Certificate Program is an 11 month program that begins in September of each year. It consists of six individual classes, each of which meets online for 7 weeks on Tuesday evenings, 6-9PM. With a Michigan Nonprofit Association membership, if you decide to register for the entire 6 course Nonprofit Management Certificate, and can pay for it all at once before you start, you'll receive a 25% discount off the $4170 price. That brings the total down to $3127.50.

You can begin the program with any class in the lineup during the year.

By promoting excellence in all areas of nonprofit management,
students gain knowledge in:
- Sustainable funding streams
- Financial management and reporting
- Measuring and assessing outcomes
- Managing employees and volunteers
- Building donor bases, collaborations and community engagement

Program benefits include:
- Comprehensive curriculum following Nonprofit Academic Centers Council guidelines
- Expert guidance from local nonprofit leaders in each class
- Network opportunities with fellow nonprofit managers
- 25% discount for MNA members with prepayment of certificate


OU's Nonprofit Management Certificate Program - Funding & Resource Development - Begins 1/14/2025
OU's Nonprofit Management Certificate Program - Funding & Resource Development - Begins 1/14/2025

Rep/Contact Info

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Judy Wilson
Coordinator, OU's Nonprofit Management Certificate Program