True Flourishing


ConsultingHealth Care

About Us

Innovative organization working with Physicians, Clinicians, Surgeons and Dentists to bring improved insights into patient health while increasing clinic revenue.

We offer cutting-edge neuro-technology, such as the NeuroCatch and GlycoCheck devices to athletic teams, pop up clinics, wellness events and groups. Located in the Corewell Medical building and providing non-clinical intervention and measurement with cutting-edge neuro-technology such as the NeuroCatch® Platform and GlycoCheck.

NeuroCatch provides a fast measure of cognitive diminishment by concussion or executive functioning delay and disorder.

GlycoCheck, a fast, extensive measure of your glycocalyx damage within your endothelial lining of your microvascular health is a vital factor of chronic illness, degenerative and inflammatory illness.

We are also proud to offer nutraceuticals associated with the repair of the glycocalyx and improved body and brain functioning.

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